Tuesday, March 13, 2007

greatest idea ever

so this company makes one thing


inkjet printable resins


printable batteries


interesting patent s




we can definitally make one...

Ink-jet technology is very well developed for the document printing market. Commercial ink-jets can Ink jet tools require very carefully filtered materials to prevent clogging of the very fine jet orifices. The materials must have very well controlled (and low) viscosity to form tiny droplets which can be ejected cleanly from the orifice.

Add your ink-jet tool information here, or on a page linked to from here

Standard Ink-jet technology (printer heads) are currently being used for 3d fabrication for example Z-Corps (http://www.zcorp.com/products/printersdetail.asp?ID=1) uses standard HP Ink-jet cartridges to spray an image a slice at a time onto a layer of powder once a slice has been printed a thin layer of powder is deposited the printer then prints another 2d slice the process is repeated until a 3D physical object has been created. The loose powder is vacuumed out leaving the physical object to be removed.

The problem I see with homebrew systems using this technology is that the printer head firmware is tied up (i.e. closed to HP and affiliates) meaning it is very difficult / impossible to code for it. To go down this route one would probably need to create there own print head controller as in : http://www.spritesmods.com/?art=inker

I decided to take another approach and to use the existing HP firmware. I dismantled an old HP Inkjet and cobbled together a crude X axis controlled by a PIC 4455 the trick is to move the X axis position the same distance as a piece of paper would move and to monitor position of the X axis so as home the X axis back to its original location so as to be able to print the next layer over the top of the first and so on. Note before the X axis home(s)it is necessary to lower the base by the amount of the slice height the X axis then drags / scrapes a new thin layer of powder across the last slice printed then the printer continues printing the next slice.

With regards to deposition material (binder) for the inkjet cartridge I mixed together sugar water using distilled water the idea being sugar dissolves and solidifies acting as a glue to bind the powder. I could successfully print though the ink jet cartridges were quite old i.e. it had been refilled with ink at least twice in the past.

One benefit of using this method is that the unused powder also acts as a support material for overhangs etc.

we can use this ink jet

A simple nozzle-firing interface allows for simple integration into your printing device. Integration is further simplified with the available print carriage assemblies and technical design documentation available directly from HP

there is a market for our business idea

so our angle just has to be providing good quality hard to make stuff fast to fitzimonds to support the other startup medical stuff


like these guys also in colorado
but higher end, harder to make and stuff,

Amazing ! we HAVE to get one of these machines


turns out the world expert in this stuff is in colorado!


precious metal clay ?

it says after its fired its 99% pure gold...$357 1/4 troy ounce, way expensive but thats how they ( the post below) propose to use their machine to make metal parts,

"[RepRap] has been called the invention that will bring down global capitalism, start a second industrial revolution and save the environment..."

we gotta get in on this...

and it gets better

good rapid prototyping jewelery information


cool free 3d design software

could come in handy


good rapid prototyping material index


3d engraving inside a glass block

milky way:

3d star map:


they sell portable lasers that do this and are billing it to make 3d portraits of people, i've seen it in every gift shop in manhattan but its cool to be able to do anything, lots of possibilities.

cool scanning systems that are probibly cheap...

its pretty amazing, you can use it like a 3d mouse to edit 3d models in the cad software along with digitizing things

to file away for later...

this looks like a good machine for wax and plastic...

gotta see how much it is, it was totally my idea, use photo-sensitive polymers to to rapid prototyping, its real real accurate. but some of that super small intricate stuff you just couldn't cast it as well as that machine would print it, I don't think atleast


amazing stuff done with prometal's metal printing process

So the cool parts in the R1 brocure, here is the guys website:

and here is his site on how he does it...

he just contracts time on prometals machine to do his sculptures and sell them ! and they are steel!

it works by gluing together metal powder, then heating it up vaporizing the glue and sintering the metal powder together, leaving 60% dense metal parts and then you dip it in bronze if its the steel and I guess for the gold you dip it in gold, I guess this is the thing that is their big intellectual property, so I think in the end you'd have solid gold

what about something like this with pearls...

another perfect company to model after and direct gold printing

so this is what we wanna do


and direct to gold rapid prototyping !

this company (http://www.medicalmodeling.com) aparantly was the first in the us to get an arcam ebm machine in the US according to this article (http://www.medicaldesign.com/articles/default.aspx?ID=13425)

but I think there is definitally room for 2 machines in the area, especially with the supposed 4.000 person workforce in medical startups at fitz.

but maybe we can use it co convince the money guys that its a viable business, so this is pretty much what we want to do, but any parts, not just medical

click here

another great business idea


Arcam has competition...

It looks like it's a million bucks, but not only can it make parts 3'x5'x3' , it can use multiple metals on the same part, and it can add metal to an existing part, so it can repair things and add coatings and just about anything to an existing part. It is unbelievable what you could make with this machine.


my invention, we just need to do it with helis like i said


amazing video - web 2.0


homemade tiny motors



Cheap Homemade 3d scanning

These guys wrote software that can figure out the 3d shape of an object just using a camera and a shadow moving across the part. We could totally make this, they make their code public, we could make one of these for less than a grand and it would be pretty damn accurate, we just need the time...


C;ybaman, The best mill ever

we need one of these . Check out the Case studies on their site, lots of cool jewelery stuff , it can machine a full 3d part complete in one pass, so it can do the outside and inside of a ring without changing the position of the ring, amazing...

video 1 - signet ring
video 2 - turbo blade


their site:

Another easy to start company that would be big

Brandi and I saw this on "It takes a thief" on the Discovery Channel, its like lowjack but better, if your car is stolen you can just go to this website and see a map of where your car is and disable the starter remotely and then call the cops and tell them where your car is. Well the thing uses a cell phone with a modem and you have to have a modem at home to talk to it and a separate phone line and all that jazz if you want to use it all the time. Well I found this thing that just came out that is a cell phone/gps module combination that has a built in microcontroller so you can just send it commands over the internet or from a cell phone and it will return the current location and stuff like that, you can also interface it to other stuff, like a camera that points at the driver... unlocking the doors...etc..and its cheap and you could provide the service for cheap too...another thing that we could do way better with the new technology/tools coming out. I was also thinking about putting this module in a solar powered small plane and it could fly from here and land in my parents backyard in Colorado by itself, that would be cool, electronic carrier pigeons...

the cybertrack:

the module I wanna use:


So this guy built the smallest helicopter in the world and it didn't cost him much. He is also the guy who came up with the design for the micro mosquito. This one is the same kinda thing but smaller. Ii'm gonna build one that can land on a quarter, I know I can do it. I can use the propeller to control the motors directly and want to put that accelerometer I have on it and a Gyro and make it totally fly by wire. It's possible because the whole control circuitry for it could be like 5 surface mount chips. First gotta make one that flys on a tether...

The Guy's site

where he got the stuff


Laser etching business plan

This guy started a company in Manhattan that laser etches notebooks or ipods or whatever, and he is doing it 'open source' so he is sharing his whole business plan and everything. He charges $30 for small stuff like ipods and $100 for notebooks. It would be a great business, the laser is only $15,000 and you would have more business than you could handle. It is interesting because the guys other company makes cool little electronic kits. I should try and get a job from him...

Here is the cnet Article

here is the guys laser etching site

and here is the guys overallvsite

and here is the laser he uses, epilog laser

Worlds Smallest Linux Computer

Its Barely bigger than the RJ Ethernet Connector is Has! (35mm×19mm×19mm) and it can even be set up to get its power from the ethernet network.
tech data is here

I think this one, the gumstix, is way better, its a bit bigger but much much more powerful.

Craftsman CompuCarve CNC Wood Router, Carver, Cutter...

It takes compactflash memory cards, and it seems like its easy to program and not too expensive, $1800. We should make one that is a clamp on model so you can carve the woodwork in your house without taking it down.

This Guy is Doing Some Really Cool Stuff...


If This Guy Got Rich Making This, We Can Too

give me a break, its a stick with a bolt on the end,


How To Have An Overnight Internet Success Story...

read the article here

Firgelli Linear Actuators

Weird name, amazing new type of linear actuator, we could use this with the propeller micro -controller to make just about anything, including tiny cnc anything...


Basically the company I wanna start, so we can then make whatever we want

Lets do this to start, then we can make whatever we want with the machines...


Tiny Motors

Amazing Tiny Motors...just need to build the helicopter to put 'em in...


So I was looking at rapid prototyping machines online, and I came across this..

watch the video:
Arcam full

and here is the website:

it can make parts like this, directly from the cad files ! No CAM software needed. You can make things not even possible before.

Like this <---